The Green Button goes international

Helen Sibum from interviews Beirholm about why we chose to collaborate with the German state-run certification Green Button

Helen Sibum from writes:

"The Grüner Knopf is a label initiated by the [German] Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development guaranteeing high ecological and social standards in textile production.

The Danish manufacturer Beirholm was the first non-German company to receive the certification. In an interview with Peter Beirholm and Andreas Beirholm say what they find attractive about the German label and why they think it will become even more international."

Read the brief interview here by following one of the links below.

Click here to read the German version.

Click here to read the English version.

Thank you to Helen Sibum for your time and interest in our work bringing more sustainable performance textiles to Europe's leasing laundry industry and their hotel-, restaurant-, hospital-, and care home customers.

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